New traders hoping to put the buzz back into historic Skegness Market

Skegness Markeyt was established in the mid-1960s.Skegness Markeyt was established in the mid-1960s.
Skegness Markeyt was established in the mid-1960s.
There was a time when people travelled from far and wide to visit Skegness Market.

Fred Nicholls - a tall, distinguished figure with a white goatee beard and trilby hat - could often be seen walking around town with a miniature pony pulling a floral painted trailer adorned with Skegness Market signs.

It was the mid 1960s - and Skegness Market was bustling.

"Granddad was really into advertising and parked painted vehicles as you came into Skegness on Wainfleet Road and Burgh Road," recalled his -grand-daughter, Vicki, fondly.

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