CORONAVIRUS: Foodbank launches crisis appeal as pandemic increases demand and sees donations fall

Food at Boston FoodbankFood at Boston Foodbank
Food at Boston Foodbank | jpimedia
Boston Foodbank has launched an emergency appeal for funds as the coronavirus pandemic has seen an increase in demand for its services.

The ongoing lockdown has also seen a decline in donations to drop off points as people change their shopping habits.

The Boston Foodbank Crisis Appeal has been launched to try and raise £5,000 through public online donations to stop people going hungry and provide them with essential toiletries.

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A spokesperson for the foodbank, which is based at Boston Stump, said: “No one in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide nutritionally balanced food and support to local people who are referred to us.

“We are sadly seeing an increase in people requiring the need to access the Foodbank. Along with the decline in donations in our drop off points as people change their shopping habits, we are in need more than ever of donations.”

The Crowdfunder page has been set up online, and as of Monday, it had already raised more than £1,000 towards its target.

“We are and will be incredibly grateful for all donations we recieve, however small, to help those who are most in need during these unprecedented times,” the spokesperson said.

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“We need your help urgently to fund the purchase the food, toiletries and other vital supplies that are required to fill this gap.”

Anyone who can help can visit the Boston Foodbank Crisis Crowdfunder page hereEast Midlands Railway (EMR) and Community Rail Partnerships (CRPs) have donated £2500 to foodbanks across the East Midlands to support families who are facing difficulties due to the Coronavirus pandemic, including £500 to the Boston Foodbank.

Will Rogers, Managing Director, EMR said: “The Community Development Fund is used to support initiatives that have significant impact in the wider communities EMR serves.

“We are delighted to be able to support these foodbanks across the East Midlands at such a difficult time for so many of our local communities."

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The money donated by EMR will help purchase ‘top-up’ supplies for food parcels as well as helping towards the costs of operating home delivery services, such as vehicle hire and fuel costs.

As well as the donation to Boston, funding has also gone to foodbanks in Derbyshire and Staffordshire.

Chris Ladner, Parish Resource Officer for the Boston Foodbank said: “Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. A simple box of food makes a big difference, with foodbanks helping prevent crime, housing loss, family breakdown and mental health problems.

“In these unprecedented times as a town, along with the rest of the country, our Foodbank has never been so important in supporting our community. Indeed, those using the Foodbank have increased considerably over the last month.

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“The Boston Foodbank operates as a charity, relying on generous donations and food and money. This grant will be used to support those who are most in need within our community to help them through these tough times."

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