VE75 tribute to war hero and special mum

The Performing Arts Studio in Hogsthorpe ready for VE75 Day.The Performing Arts Studio in Hogsthorpe ready for VE75 Day.
The Performing Arts Studio in Hogsthorpe ready for VE75 Day. | jpimedia
A Hogsthorpe dance studio will mark VE75 Day with a special tribute to not only Second World War heroes and the moment conflict ended in Europe but also to a special mum who served in the RAF.

Lily Baker, the mother of Sue McGough who runs a Performing Arts Studio in the village, died recently at the age of 97.

Sue explained: "We like others have had to close the studio due to Covid-19 restrictions, but I decided to still decorate the outside for VE Day for pupils and locals to, hopefully, put them in good spirits.

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"My mum didn't quite make the VE celebrations, so it's also a tribute to her for serving in the RAF during the Second World War and receiving two medals for serving her country.

Tribute to Lily Baker who served in the RAF.Tribute to Lily Baker who served in the RAF.
Tribute to Lily Baker who served in the RAF. | jpimedia

"Up until the last few weeks she was still knitting poppies to raise funds for the Royal British Legion and was awarded a special certificate for her efforts before she passed away.

"The rest of her hand-knitted poppies were taken to display in the Saltburn and Distruct British Legion Museum, entitled 'Poppies by Lily Baker aged 97 years."
