Win! Tickets to The Little Bits The Boys Admire in Gainsborough

The Little Bits Boys Admire is coming to Trinity Arts Centre in GainsboroughThe Little Bits Boys Admire is coming to Trinity Arts Centre in Gainsborough
The Little Bits Boys Admire is coming to Trinity Arts Centre in Gainsborough
Rivalry, rule -breaking ladies and even a performers' strike is all coming to Gainsborough next month in The Little Bits The Boys Admire.

And we have a pair of tickets to give away for the show.

It is 1922 and Marie Lloyd is being given a benefit concert.

Quite unexpectedly, she is joined by her greatest rival, cross-dressing male-impersonator, Vesta Tilley.

They have never been friends.

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As the play moves between Marie’s dressing room and the music hall stage, the audience learn not just about Marie’s amazing, if chequered, life, but also about Vesta, the music hall strike of 1907, Marconi and even the murderer Dr Crippen.

As well playing themselves, Vesta also becomes the men in Marie’s life and Marie becomes the other women.

In true music hall fashion, Marie and Vesta will sing many of their most famous songs and joining in will be not only appreciated, but expected.

The show is at Trinity Arts Centre on Saturday, April 8 at 7.30pm.

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Tickets are £10 and £8 on 01427 676655 or

To win a pair of tickets to the show, tell us what year the musical hall strike in the show takes place – a) 1907, b) 2007 or c) 2017?

Email your answer, together with your name, address and daytime contact number to [email protected]

Closing date is April 4.

For terms and conditions, go to

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