Block party unveils new sculpture

Launch of temporary sculpture created by public visitors, supported by NEON. L-R NEON artists Viliina Koivisto and Mark Nixon, with NCCD visual arts development co-ordinator Lucy Lumb, pictured with the temporary sculpture. EMN-180810-102758001Launch of temporary sculpture created by public visitors, supported by NEON. L-R NEON artists Viliina Koivisto and Mark Nixon, with NCCD visual arts development co-ordinator Lucy Lumb, pictured with the temporary sculpture. EMN-180810-102758001
Launch of temporary sculpture created by public visitors, supported by NEON. L-R NEON artists Viliina Koivisto and Mark Nixon, with NCCD visual arts development co-ordinator Lucy Lumb, pictured with the temporary sculpture. EMN-180810-102758001
Despite the rain there was a great turn out and lots of dancing in the gallery for the '˜Block Party' at Sleaford's National Centre for Craft and Design.

Saturday saw the unveiling of a brand new temporary sculpture for Sleaford designed by NCCD artists in residence NEON.

Although NEON are the design brains behind the new work, they have taken inspiration from contributions from visiting public to the gallery throughout the exhibition and some people have even helped create parts of the structure.

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To celebrate there was music, free arts activities and refreshments at the Block Party event at the weekend.

Launch of temporary sculpture created by public visitors, supported by NEON. Anastasia Corbould 7 of Great Hale. EMN-180810-103342001Launch of temporary sculpture created by public visitors, supported by NEON. Anastasia Corbould 7 of Great Hale. EMN-180810-103342001
Launch of temporary sculpture created by public visitors, supported by NEON. Anastasia Corbould 7 of Great Hale. EMN-180810-103342001

Visual Arts Development Officer Lucy Lumb said: “We had approximately 550 visitors on the day, which is a really good turnout considering the weather.

“It was great to see so many people come to the unveiling of the new artwork and to celebrate the last weekend of NEON’s exhibition.

The party moved inside and there was face painting and badge making and DJs from NP Entertainment kept the party going and spirits high.

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Lucy added: “It was fantastic to see the final sculptures, the culmination of designs by NEON and fabulous work by visitors to NCCD over the course of the exhibition. They have temporarily been moved but they will be returning to Navigation Yard very soon.”