Ban for Alford area woman three times over alcohol limit

Boston Magistrates' Court.Boston Magistrates' Court.
Boston Magistrates' Court.
An Alford area woman, stopped by police, was found to have a reading of more than three times the permitted level of alcohol in her breath, a court has heard.

Avril Moon, 42, of Sutton Road, Bilsby, admitted driving with excess alcohol when she appeared at Boston Magistrates’ Court.

Prosecuting, Marie Stace said police were told she was ‘in drink’ and driving her Isuzu Trooper vehicle at 3.30pm on February 11 in Alford when police stopped her in Finsbury Street, where she was arrested after providing a positive breath test.

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A reading showed she had 117 microgrammes of alcohol in her breath, the legal limit being 35.

Ms Stace told the magistrates Moon had a similar excess alcohol conviction in 2014.

Mitigating, Helen Coney said Moon had turned to alcohol as a crutch and that she was receiving psychiatric help.

She said Moon was very worried and had brought packed bags with her to court in case she wasn’t returning home.

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The magistrates banned her from driving for three years but she was offered the drink drivers’ rehabilitation course which will reduce the period of the ban by 36 weeks.

She was also placed on a two-year community order, as well as being ordered to undertake 30 rehabilitation days and being ordered to pay a total of £180 in court costs and charges.