Disabled woman fights off attacker after being pushed from her wheelchair in Skegness

A disabled woman was pushed from her wheelchair and grabbed while laying on the floor during an assault in Skegness.

The incident happened at approx 3.30pm on Wednesday December 14 as the victim was emerging from an alleyway opposite the junction of Lincoln Road and The Meadows.

A male has approached her from behind and pushed her from her wheelchair. He then grabbed her coat from the front whilst she lay on the floor and she has hit out at him, causing him to flee on foot up Lincoln Road in the direction of Burgh Road.

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The alleged offender is described as a white male, in his late 20s, approximately 5ft 8 tall. He was of medium build and clean shaven. He was wearing a black woollen hat to just above his eyes, a black bomber style jacket and dark coloured trousers or jeans with a rip to the left knee.

If anyone witnessed this incident, or saw anyone matching this description around that time, please contact PC Neil Webdill on 101, quoting incident number 336 of the 14th December.