Drink driver from Skegness spent Christmas morning in police cell

Boston Magistrates CourtBoston Magistrates Court
Boston Magistrates Court
A Skegness woman who went to buy cigarettes late on Christmas Eve, spent Christmas morning in a police cell after testing positive for excess alcohol, a court has heard.

Claire Noble 46, of Parliament Close, who admitted driving with excess alcohol, was said to have been seen driving her Mini One car to a filling station in Burgh Road where she went into the shop to buy cigarettes.

Marie Stace, prosecuting at Boston Magistrates Court, said Noble provided a positive breath test and gave a reading of 45 milligrams of alcohol, the legal limit being 35.

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She said Noble had a previous excess alcohol offence in 2019.

Mitigating, Philippa Chatterton said it had been 'the worst experience of Christmas she had ever had' as, although she and her partner had been waiting for a taxi, she went at his request to buy cigarettes and, as a result, spent Christmas morning in a police cell.

District Judge Peter Veits said it had been a 'foolish decision' and fined her £120 with £119 in court costs and charges.

She was banned from driving for three years, but she was offered the drink drivers' rehabilitation course, which will reduce the period of the ban by nine months.