Man admits waving machete type knife in Ingoldmells

Boston Magistrates' Court.Boston Magistrates' Court.
Boston Magistrates' Court.
A 63-year-old man has been given a suspended prison sentence after a judge heard he had been waving a machete type knife about during an argument with a neighbour.

Skippy Kanga Roo of Bank Drive, Ingoldmells, who admitted possessing a bladed article, was said to have been in dispute with a next door neighbour after a long term friendship turned sour.

Prosecuting before District Judge Peter Veits, sitting at Boston Magistrates Court, Marie Stace said the incident occurred at 6pm on August 19 at the Romany Park in Ingoldmells when Roo was seen to put a note, including the words 'Dead Man Walking', on his neighbour's door.

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She said he was then seen 'pushing' his neighbour and to pull out a large bladed article from a trouser

pocket and wave it around before going back into his own caravan.

Ms Stace said he was heard to say 'I'm going to kill you all', but he was not seen to try and stab anyone.

She said that in a police interview he said his neighbour was a former boxer and he was afraid of him and said he was 7 out of 10 drunk when he put the note on the door.

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Mitigating, Tony Davis said this incident would normally have been 'handbags at dawn' but it wasn't.

He said Roo was aware his neighbour was a former heavyweight boxer and he was afraid of him and had only waved the knife around 'as a deterrent',

Roo was given a 20 week prison sentence suspended for a year and was ordered to pay a total of £213 in

court costs and charges.