Police warning of ‘Sextortion’ emails targeting Lincolnshire residents

Police | other
Lincolnshire Police are warning people to be on their guard for fraudulent ‘phishing’ emails at this current time.

The Lincolnshire Police Crime Prevention and Partnerships Department says they are currently receiving a number of reports relating to sextortion phishing emails.

Gillian Fleet, a financial fraud officer with the force, advises: “As with other phishing emails, our advice is not to engage, delete the email and report it to Action Fraud: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-phishing

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“Do not worry if the email includes your password; in all likelihood this has been obtained from historic breaches of personal data. You can check if your account has been compromised and get future notifications by visiting: https://haveibeenpwned.com/

“If the email includes a password you still use then change it immediately, advice on how to create suitable passwords and enable other factors of authentication is available from the National Cyber Security Centre: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/information-for/individuals-families .”

Should you require any further advice, do not hesitate to contact the police on 101.