Evie from Skegness selected for Team GB Para Showjumping at Pferd International

Evie Toombes has been selected to represent Team GB Para Showjumping next month at Pferd International. ANL-180421-062700001Evie Toombes has been selected to represent Team GB Para Showjumping next month at Pferd International. ANL-180421-062700001
Evie Toombes has been selected to represent Team GB Para Showjumping next month at Pferd International. ANL-180421-062700001
An inspirational Skegness teenager with spina bifida is about to fulfil her dream after being selected for Team GB Para Showjumping next month at Pferd International

The news has been announced by the Richmond School, where she was a former pupil.

Joanne Hazard, of the Richmond School, said: “We are so proud to announce the wonderful news of our ex-pupil Evie Toombes.

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“She has been selected to represent Team GB Para showjumping next month at Pferd International.

“Evie attended The Richmond School from the age of four to 11. “She has just had the all clear from her consultants and is able to go.”

Evie has multiple health problems which stem from a form of spina bifida.

A former Skegness Standard Champion, she is a hidden disability ambassador and gives talks in schools to children to spread the word and understanding about hidden disability’s. Her motto is find a way not an excuse.
