Gainsborough: Couple attacked friend in their home

In CourtIn Court
In Court
A couple who attacked a friend when he visited their home have bee given suspended jail sentences at Lincoln Crown Court.

Stephen Slack was struck by Nikki Booth then punched and bitten by her partner Lee Hollingsworth while at the couple’s home in Gainsborough.

Esther Harrison, prosecuting, said Mr Slack had arrived with cans of beer and a bottle of wine. He had a drink with Hollingsworth before Booth returned at 9pm already drunk. She said Booth drank a whole bottle of wine while the two men drank cans.

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Mr Slack decided to leave at 1am but Booth told him ‘You’re not going anywhere’.

“Booth stood on the sofa and began to punch and scratch him. At some point Lee Hollingsworth pulled her away,” she said.

Mr Slack tried a second time to leave but was again attacked.

“He had to go through the front room to retrieve his wallet. Nikki Booth was still on the sofa. As he passed her she struck him and then encouraged Lee Hollingsworth to hit him,” she said.

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“Hollingsworth hit Mr Slack from behind. The complainant was pulled back by his jacket and fell onto the sofa on top of Lee Hollingsworth.”

“Nikki Booth pulled his hood over his eyes then he felt someone biting his shoulder. He shrugged that off and made his escape.”

“His wallet was thrown out of the door. He was in considerable pain. He got home and realised £100 had been taken.”

He suffered swelling and bruising to his face, scratches to his face and neck and a bite mark to his shoulder.”

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When they were arrested they claimed they were at home together and denied Mr Slack had visited.

Graham Huston, for Booth, said she had a drink problem and in October of last year was using M-Cat.

Sunil Khanna, for Hollingsworth, said he only became involved after Booth encouraged him to hit the victim.

Booth,23, and Hollingsworth, 24, of Waterworks Street, each admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm on 20th October. Hollingsworth also admitted theft.

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They were each given a 12 month jail sentence suspended for 18 months with 18 months supervision. Booth was also given a 12 month alcohol treatment order and Hollingsworth was given 150 hours unpaid work.