Knit and Knatter group in Louth support dementia patients

Twiddle muffs: Louth Librarys Knit and Knatter group has been busy knitting.Twiddle muffs: Louth Librarys Knit and Knatter group has been busy knitting.
Twiddle muffs: Louth Librarys Knit and Knatter group has been busy knitting.
Louth Library's Knit and Knatter group has been busy knitting once again, but this time the members have been making twiddle muffs for dementia patients.

The knitted muffs have strands of textured ribbons, buttons, beads and various fabrics attached on both the inside and the outside to keep dementia patients hands active and busy.

The muffs provide visual, tactile and sensory stimulation to people with dementia, who often have restless hands, while also keeping hands snug and warm at the same time.

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Pictured are the Knit and Knatter Group with library staff, Pam Young and Geraldine Edis, who keep the group supplied with coffee and biscuits to help with the production of the Twiddle Muffs.

The group recently presented a number of muffs to Elms Care Home staff for their residents.