Care home residents in Skegness go for gold

Phoebe with manager  Hayley Peace and Lifestyle Co-ordinator, Cheryl Curtis.Phoebe with manager  Hayley Peace and Lifestyle Co-ordinator, Cheryl Curtis.
Phoebe with manager Hayley Peace and Lifestyle Co-ordinator, Cheryl Curtis.
Residents at a care home in Skegness were in the medals when the went for gold to celebrate the recent Olympics and Commonwealth Games.

In light of the queen's baton making its rounds and coming to Skegness for the Commonwealth Games, Syne Hills Syne Hills Care Home has hosted their own Olympics.

The residents enjoyed taking part in relay, an egg and spoon race, javelin, discus, ball tossing and hook a duck.

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Members of the team all dressed up for the occasion and everyone who took part was rewarded with medals and certificates.

Onlookers watching Dylis Peacock hook a duck.Onlookers watching Dylis Peacock hook a duck.
Onlookers watching Dylis Peacock hook a duck.

Lifestyle co-ordinator at the home in Syne Ave, Cheryl Curtis, said: ”We thought, ‘why not have our own Olympic Games here at Syne Hills?

"We had lots of fun taking part and we all got medals and certificates.”

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