New column looks at 50+ health in East Lindsey

Its time to make the second half of your life in East Lindsey the best half! EMN-190921-084328001Its time to make the second half of your life in East Lindsey the best half! EMN-190921-084328001
Its time to make the second half of your life in East Lindsey the best half! EMN-190921-084328001
It’s time to make the second half of your life in East Lindsey the best half - and we are here to help.

In a new monthly column, we will be exploring the opportunities waiting on your doorstep if you’re over 50 and living in our wonderful district.

Next Tuesday, October 1, marks International Older People’s Day, when the world looks to celebrate the value of our aging populations.

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In East Lindsey, our communities have more reason to mark this special day than most – with a third of the district’s population now aged 60-plus.

That figure is growing, with a prediction that by 2037, it will have increased by another third.

For many who remain fit and healthy, the opportunities for older people are greater now than ever before.

However, it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure those who are more vulnerable are supported in the right way – and that they know what is available to them.

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Being able to meet new people, be provided with help when required and to halve a problem by sharing it is an essential part of keeping well as we grow older.

Contrary to what some may think, there’s plenty out there – provided by individuals and organisations that care.

That is what this new monthly column is about, to highlight what’s in your area.

We start with an October calendar provided by the community arm of the Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture, but in future months we ask for any organisations to send in their details for publication:

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• Meridian Leisure Centre, Louth: To mark International Older People’s Day, activities for older people to enjoy will take place from 10am until 1pm, in partnership with TED (Talk. Eat. Drink) – a Big Lottery funded project running in East Lindsey.

• Chaps: This community health activity project for men over 50 has been commissioned by TED to reduce loneliness and isolation - every Monday (excluding bank holidays) in Mablethorpe there is a Breakfast Club 9am to 11am at Hope House; every Friday in Skegness there is ‘Talk Sport’ from 10am to 11.30am, at Barratt Court.

• Still Me sessions take place at Meridian Leisure, Louth, from 10am to 11.30am on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. The Still Me dementia support project, funded by Louth & District Hospice Limited, aims to improve the experiences of people affected by dementia and other life-altering conditions.

There are also regular adult swimming and low impact exercise sessions at the Magna Vitae centres – the Meridian Centre, Louth, Horncastle Pool & Fitness Suite, Skegness Pool & Fitness Suite and Station Sports Centre, Mablethorpe.

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This column is written by the Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture, the premier providers of leisure, fitness and community activity across East Lindsey.

For more go to www.magnavitae.orgTo highlight your organisation’s events and activities for next month’s column, email [email protected]