Young boy donates much needed items towards care packs for the elderly and vulnerable in Gainsborough

William Pickering with his donationsWilliam Pickering with his donations
William Pickering with his donations | Other 3rd Party
A kind-hearted boy sprang into action when a nearby pub decided to start donating care packs to be distributed to the elderly and vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Lincolnshire Otter in Somerby Way, Gainsborough, appealed for donations of essential items which can be taken to people who are self-isolating during this difficult time.

And William Pickering, who is nine, helped by donating six bags of shopping.

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William’s mum, Michelle Hagger, said: “Will insisted that we should go out and get what we could as they wouldn't like anything in our cupboards and there would also be a lot of people without anything or anyone to help them as they are not allowed to leave their houses.

“This came as no surprise to me as that is his nature.

“He has been following what has been going on and at nine-years-old it is hard to grasp the severity of the situations but he knows that there are people going crazy to get stuff and there are some people who are not as fortunate as what he is.

“He felt sad seeing that, from the greed of the fortunate, the less fortunate would suffer, especially with the toilet roll.

“We went round several shops to try and get the stuff he thought they should have but things were sparse.

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“But most shops were understandable and let us take and extra one or two of the quota.

“Will is the kind of boy that takes on board what is going on around him and if he can help he will and he doesn't do it for any sort of recognition or praise, he does things to make others happy.”

Nathan Hankinson, general manager at the Lincolnshire Otter, said: “This has overwhelmed many of our customers on social media and definitely us.

“That in this crucial time a person as young as William would step forward and want to help in such a huge way. This will fill more than 30 care packages.

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“Times are hard right now and we must not forget our most vulnerable.

“This young man is a credit to this community and embodies the meaning of kindness at a time when it is unfortunately in short supply. We are a community, we will get through this and we would like to do anything we can to help those most in need.”