Pilgrim petition surpasses half-way milestone

Pilgrim Hospital, Boston.Pilgrim Hospital, Boston.
Pilgrim Hospital, Boston.
A petition aiming to stop health bosses from downgrading services at Pilgrim Hospital has this weekend passed the halfway milestone to getting Government attention.

The petition called Stop United Lincs Hospitals Trust from Downgrading Boston Pilgrim hospital, has had more than 5,200 signatures in only two weeks.

Philip Bosworth, part of the Boston Focus Group which is leading the campaign said: “I’ve had emails and people ringing me and it really shows the fact that the healthcare leaders are putting on the table the worst plan that it could be – one site at either Lincoln or Boston.

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“The response shows that mums want a local delivery at both sites and they have got to be consultant-led for emergencies.

Mr Bosworth went on to say that he hoped the online petition would not just reach 10,000, the milestone at which the Government must respond to it, but keep going.

If the petition were to reach 100,000 signatures Parliament could debate it.

For more of Mr Bosworth’s comments, see this week’s Boston Standard.