Metal detectorists around Sleaford and motorcyclists hunting for eggs are some of those caught by Lincolnshire Police flouting coronavirus travel rules in Lincolnshire

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While praising the majority of people who avoided non-essential travel and stayed away from the Lincolnshire coast and beauty spots during the warm weekend weather, police have still had to challenge some who were caught flouting the lockdown rules under Covid-19.

On Sunday, Sleaford officers came across two males who had travelled from Grantham to go metal detecting in the Sleaford area.

This was naturally not seen as essential travel or following the guidelines for isolating from each other.

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In their final stop of the day on Sunday, a Lincolnshire Police traffic officer spoke with two motorcyclists and their pillion passenger who, according to them, had travelled from Nottingham looking for eggs to buy.

Meanwhile Skegness Response Sergeant Sally West said yesterday (Sunday) that three cars were stopped that day from out of the county. She said in a Tweet: “Occupants stating they were bored and going for a drive. One saying they had driven to Skeg for a kebab!

“What are these people not getting! Putting everyone in danger!”

On the plus side, the beach and seafront were empty and most other drivers in cars on the roads to Skegness were either on their own, in pairs or in vans.

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Superintendent Paul Timmins, head of Lincolnshire Police’s Specialist Operations Department, has also warned drivers against speeding while the roads are quiet during the coronavirus outbreak and against non-essential travel in the coming days. That way, he said you will be playing your part in protecting the NHS and saving lives.

Supt Timmins said they were seeing a dramatic drop in the number of vehicles on the county’s roads, which was fantastic, as he said it meant people were heeding the government warning messages to stay at home and not travel unnecessarily during the coronavirus pandemic, but he said officers were also seeing an increase in speeding.

He said that indicated people were more inclined to speed because there was less traffic on the roads to slow them down. But he said that was never an excuse.

Supt Timmins said: “Speeding is one of the main causes of our fatal and serious collisions. So stop it if you are doing it, please adhere to the speed limits that are there”

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He also talked about the temptation for people to venture out for a day trip or couple of days over the Easter period.

“That is not essential travel,” he warned.

“We will in Lincolnshire be looking at the legislation and making sure people are only travelling where essential.

“Going on a holiday, going on a day trip is not essential travel.

“We would look to engage with those that are on our roads, educate them and where necessary, we will enforce legislation.

“Please adhere to this advice.

“It is essential for the weelbing of our country.”