Uniform bank set to help Rasen families in need

De Aston School EMN-190920-152118001De Aston School EMN-190920-152118001
De Aston School EMN-190920-152118001
A school uniform bank to support struggling families in Market Rasen has been launched by a group of caring mums.

The uniform bank, for De Aston and Market Rasen Primary, is currently an online-only service - but is searching for a home in the town.

Speaking at Market Rasen Town Council’s September meeting, Coun Nicky Brooksbank - who has a school-aged daughter - said: “I’ve been asked by local parents about the possibility of a uniform bank for people in need.

“We’ve already established a Facebook page.

“The problem is space and location.

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“The uniform banks across the country are most successful if there’s an actual location for them.

“We’ve approached Sally Ann’s - they have no space but loved the idea.”

And Market Rasen Deputy Mayor, Steve Bunney agreed a uniform bank would be good for the town.

He told the meeting: “I think it’s something we perhaps need to get the schools together for - a meeting with the right people.

“I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t support that.”

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Coun Bunney suggested contacting the town’s churches to find out if they had any space for a uniform 

He added: “New Life might have some space.”

The uniform bank already has 89 members and can be accessed on Facebook by searching ‘Market Rasen School Uniform Bank’.

The group’s page states: “We know at times paying for school uniform is a struggle...with space [for a premises in the town] being an issue, a group for people who could donate unwanted uniform to others is the next best 

“The idea of this group is to gift unwanted uniform to others.”

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In recent years uniform banks have sprung up around with country, with a growing number of families struggling to meet the costs of sending their children to school.

The service is often run by a team of volunteers who work local organisations such as churches.