Blue and Whites thumped at Long Eaton

Alan Phoenix.Alan Phoenix.
Alan Phoenix.
Midlands 4 East (North)Long Eaton 128Boston RFC 0

With a side shorn of players due to injury and unavailability, Boston Rugby Club travelled to MIdlands 4 leaders Long Eaton knowing they would be in for a tough afternoon at the office.

Having played the in-form team earlier in the season, they encountered a home side who had pace, power and physical strength and utilised this to devastating effect.

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To the players’credit, they never gave up, showing great spirit and determination -specially as several players such as Alan Phoenix and Ryan Cuthbertson were forced to retire injured, adding to the growing injury list and leaving the visitors playing with only 14 men for the last 10 minutes.

For debutant winger Emanuel Aravjo, this would be an afternoon he would remember for some time.

Boston’s next home game will be in three weeks’ time, when they entertain Meden Vale (KO 2.15pm).

Their opponents lie one place above basement side Boston in the league.

BOSTON: Logan, Phoenix, Scott, Hardstaff, Coley, Cuthbertson, Fowler, Richardson, Chapman, Cowern, Woods, Moody, Hough, Aravjo, Gray; Replacements: Sharp, Paul.

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