REVIEW: Is Sleeping Beauty good? Oh yes it is!

Sleeping Beauty at Blackfriars Theatre review by Bernard Bale:

This is certainly the best panto I have ever seen at Boston in many years of regular viewing. The audiences loved every minute of it.

The panto is stolen by Craig Cowdroy as Nurse Nanny Mora and Luke Glover as her son Muddles. Their comedy is brilliant and could have the makings of a Laurel and Hardy duo.

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The rest of the cast and the dancers are also superb with some excellent routines and special effects, including Ed Norwood as Prince Harry having a showdown with a dragon.

Gabrielle Bradshaw and Emma Carter also work well and Colin Jonathan Applesby is an excellent King Stefan. Jessica Samuel makes for a great Princess Aurora. The costumes and sets are of a very high standard and must not go unmentioned.