There had been drama on the seafront when the event scheduled for 8am at the Hive complex on Grand Parade was delayed due to the crane breaking down on itys way to the resort. However, the crowd that had gathered and were treated to bacon butties while they waited finally got to see the spectacle just after 11am. The Lamborghini was successfully hoisted into the new third floor Supercar VIP Lounge showroom, which will be opened along with other new bars later in the season. For the full story and pictures see next week's Skegness Standard newspaper - out on Wednesday.

. Lamborghini lift into the Hive in Skegness
Mayor and Mayoress of Skegness Coun Trevor and Jane Burnham stand by the Lamborghini befire it is hoisted into the new Supercar VIP Lounge in Skegness. Photo: JPI Media

. Lamborghini lift into the Hive in Skegness
Teams wait for the arrival of the crane. Photo: JPI Media

. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
No, it can't fly in! Former British Drift Championship presenter Nathan Black, who was the compère, keeping the crowd entertained while they wait. Photo: JPI Media

. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
Maybe they need help from Spiderman. Photo: JPI Media

. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
Hopeful crowds gather at 8am to watch the lift. Photo: JPI Media

. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
Keep going - Nathan Black carries on regardless and announces arrival of bacon butties. Photo: JPI Media

. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
At least the scaffolding is ready for when the crane arrives. Photo: JPI Media

1. Lamborghini lift into the Hive in Skegness
Teams wait for the arrival of the crane. Photo: JPI Media

2. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
No, it can't fly in! Former British Drift Championship presenter Nathan Black, who was the compère, keeping the crowd entertained while they wait. Photo: JPI Media

3. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
Maybe they need help from Spiderman. Photo: JPI Media

4. Lamborghini lift into Skegness bar
Hopeful crowds gather at 8am to watch the lift. Photo: JPI Media