Sleaford Repair Cafe marks second anniversary

A Sleaford project utilising skilled volunteers to help repair and extend the life of the public’s damaged belongings and cut down on waste has marked its second anniversary with a visit from the mayor and deputy mayor.

On Saturday July 20, mayor Coun David Suiter and his deputy Coun Alison Snookes visited Sleaford Repair Café, which is held in the Riverside Church Hall, managed by Sleaford Climate Action Network.

The councillors spoke to the keen hobbyists and professionals such as a trained seamstress, who donate their time and expertise. Members of the public came in to have belongings fixed ranging from ripped clothing to an electric hedge trimmer.

Tim Grigg, who has led the free service, said their first Repair Cafe was in June 2022 and invited the Councilliors Suiter and Snookes to cut a cake made by one of the members.

Mr Grigg said they have run 12 repair cafes since they began and repaired around 170 items. “That is 170 items that could have gone into landfill and we have fixed them and saved people money,” he said. “Some of these have been quite complex repairs while others are just helping sharpen people’s tools. You always seem to get at least one toaster.”

He said the key thing is that it is free, making repairing an item financially viable for its owner.

Coun Suiter congratulated the organisation’s efforts to protect the environment.