Garden opens doors for the NGS scheme

A cottage in Hacconby, near Bourne, is set to open its doors this Sunday as part of the National Gardens Scheme (NGS).

The cottage and gardens at 21 Chapel Street, in Hacconby, are home to Cliff and Joan Curtis.

The couple have transformed the garden from an old farm yard plot covered in rubbish and old sheds to a small walled garden with a paved area, pool, planted area, and plant beds and borders.

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The garden is full of interesting plants including an abundance of snowdrops in the spring, and asters, salvias and other flowering daisies in the autumn.

As well as being able to browse the gardens, there will also be various plants available to buy.

Admission is £3 for adults and is free for children.

Visitors are also welcome by appointment by calling 01778 570314 or emailing: [email protected].

The NGS raises more than £2.6m every year for national nursing, gardening and other charitable causes.

It is the single largest benefactor to Macmillan nurses and Marie Curie.

For details, visit:

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