The most common place people left the area for was Lincoln, with 1,491 departures in the year to June 2019. EMN-200910-124702001The most common place people left the area for was Lincoln, with 1,491 departures in the year to June 2019. EMN-200910-124702001
The most common place people left the area for was Lincoln, with 1,491 departures in the year to June 2019. EMN-200910-124702001

Revealed: the top 10 places people move to from North Kesteven

Last month we revealed the most common places people move to North Kesteven from in the UK, with 7,373 people making the move in the 12 months to June 2019.

Now, we can reveal the top 10 destinations people going in the opposite direction were headed for.

A total of 6,509 people left the area for a new life elsewhere in the UK in the same 12-month period, the Office for National Statistics figures show.

From Lincoln to Leeds, here are the places draining the most people from North Kesteven.

The most common place people left the area for was Lincoln, with 1,491 departures in the year to June 2019.

There is no council-level breakdown of people moving to Scotland from England and Wales.