Nearly £12,000 raised for local charities by golfers

A sum of almost £12,000 has been raised for local good causes by Woodhall Spa Golf Club.

Alan Howe and Sue Leggate were joint club captains at the club last year and, during their captaincy, managed to raise £11,974.51.

Sue’s chosen charities for the year were Woodhall Spa Friends of Cancer Research UK and LIVES First Responders, and Alan’s chosen charity was the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), with each captain receiving half of the total to give to their respective charities. Sue presented Sylvia Baxter, the chairman of Woodhall Spa Friends of Cancer Research, with a cheque for £2,993.62.

Sue and Alan have extended their thanks to all the Woodhall Spa Golf Club members for their support.