Bar and restaurant and B&B in old pub?
Martyn Grice is seeking a premises licence for the Rose and Crown in Watergate from NKDC’s Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub Committee which meets this morning (Wednesday). The plans would see the ground floor as the restaurant and bar and the next two floors as a B & B. The licence would cover music between 7pm-midnight and sale of alcohol 11am-midnight all week and until 1am on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Opening hours would be 11am to 12.30am.
According to the committee report the pub’s previous licence lapsed in January, 2015, after the licence holder was declared bankrupt. Between 2010 and 2015 council licensing officers had several complaints about loud music nuisance and police had concerns about alleged drug use. The new owner is said to be unconnected with the previous licensee.