Heckington gets memorial trees

The Grantham-based Woodland Trust is giving away one million trees to schools and communities for the first time in a single season, with the millionth tree hitting the ground in the first two weeks of March.
Free trees have been provided by the Woodland Trust for a memorial project at Heckington. (File photo) EMN-190803-175711001Free trees have been provided by the Woodland Trust for a memorial project at Heckington. (File photo) EMN-190803-175711001
Free trees have been provided by the Woodland Trust for a memorial project at Heckington. (File photo) EMN-190803-175711001

Among those being handed out, 60 trees have gone to Heckington Parish Council towards its Heckington100 project to create a memorial garden for fallen servicemen and women.

Beccy Speight, chief executive of the Woodland Trust said: “This is the first time we’ve ever sent out that magic number in a single season. It’s a real milestone for the Trust and we’re proud to have achieved such a momentous task.

People want to feel they are making a difference.”

Packs are funded by Sainsbury’s, People’s Postcode Lottery and Yorkshire Tea. Defra has supported the Trust’s work in schools. Apply at www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/freetrees