Impressive Aegir sweeps Trent

A FOUR Star Aegir was seen along the River Trent in Gainsborough this morning (Thursday 29th September).

The wave was the biggest of the year and was witnessed by dozens of residents who gathered along the banks from 7.30am.

The Aegir’s ‘four star’ prospect, meant that it had a tidal range up to five metres and the wave itself was between 1-2 metres tall.

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Gainsborough’s famous Aegir occurs when a high spring tide meets the downstream flow of the River Trent.

Legend has it that King Canute once unsuccessfully attempted to turn the tide back of the Aegir in the River Trent at Gainsborough.

Keep an eye on next week’s Standard for more pictures and info (available Thursday 6th August)

Check back at later on for our video footage of today’s Aegir.

For information on this and future Aegirs visit