North Lincolnshire adult weight management service provider needed

Coun Neil PooleCoun Neil Poole
Coun Neil Poole
North Lincolnshire Council is seeking an organisation to provide a weight management service across the county starting in April 2015. Could this be your organisation?

The service will offer adults over 16 years-old who are above a healthy weight (BMI 30 and above) a free 12 week weight management programme.

The main aims of the weight management service will be to engage, encourage and support adults above a healthy weight to make healthier and sustainable behaviour changes related to diet and physical activity.

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Around 70 per cent of adults over 16 years-old in North Lincolnshire are above a healthy weight. With around 35 per cent of them being significantly above a healthy weight (obese). This is higher than both the regional and national averages.

Frances Cunning, Director of Public Health at North Lincolnshire Council said: “We want to be proactive with trying to improve the amount of adults and children in North Lincolnshire who are overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese can drastically affect your health and lifestyle. We cannot say it enough how important it is for people to be healthy and active. By making a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle it can make a huge difference.

“We want the weight management service to specifically target adults over 16 years-old who are overweight or obese. It will provide support and advice on eating healthy and keeping active. It will be a dedicated service that will provide a plan for people to follow, in the hope that after they finish the 12 week programme they will have the knowledge to carry these vital changes on. Often all people need is some positive advice and motivation to push them in the right direction towards a healthier way of life.”

Organisations interested in providing this service can register on the YORtender website:

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The council is open to innovative approaches to delivering the service. It has not been prescribed how the programme should look; it is being left to the tendering organisations to propose an effective approach for the local population.

Councillor Neil Poole (pictured), cabinet member for policy and resources said: “We use Yortender, an electronic tendering system, to procure works, services and supplies. This is also used by the other local authorities in the region. It is free for businesses to register on this website and means that all opportunities are in one place.

“The weight management service tendering opportunity is a fantastic chance for an organisation to a make a difference in North Lincolnshire. We are looking for a provider that can support and encourage people who are overweight to become healthy and active. We don’t want this to be a short-term change however, it is important that people make these healthy changes for the long-term. Therefore the service needs to take this into consideration. We will consider all expressions of interests to provide this service. If you think you could provide an effective service then register your interest on the YORtender website.”

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