LETTER: Councillor Keimach needs to get his facts straight and stop wasting taxpayers money

Nearly a year ago I became a member of Market Rasen Town Council. My aim was to open up council business to be more representative of Market Rasen residents.

It saddens me that our Lincolnshire County Councillor and West Lindsey District Councillor Burt Keimach should express such incorrect views on the purchase of De Aston Field when, as a member of LCC, he has the ideal means to check out his biased opinions.

The De Aston Field was purchased from LCC on the town’s behalf by WLDC using 106 money. Cllr Keimach’s statement that we could have purchased the field for less is incorrect. LCC, of which he is a member, insisted they would not lower the price. Thank you for that, Cllr Keimach.

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The Town Council now has to bear the extra cost of draining the field to stop flooding of local residents. This is something LCC refused to do while the field was in their ownership, despite the fact that they were aware water drained off the field into local residents’ properties. They would not even make an allowance for this in the sale.

According to recent press reports, Cllr Keimach voted for an increase in allowances for county councillors. That is a waste of taxpayers’ money. Market Rasen Town Councillors do not receive any allowances – and rightly so, I believe.

In the entire time I have been on the Town Council, I can only remember Cllr Keimach turning up once, although there is an agenda item at every meeting for a report from our county councillor.

If Cllr Keimach wants to have a referendum, perhaps I can suggest it should be whether councillors should get an allowance at all?

(Cllr) Nigel Cook

Market Rasen

Supported by all Market Rasen Town Councillors