Storm - Road has been badly damaged

I have sent this letter to our county councillor, Bill Aron.

As our county councillor, I politely request that you bring the attention of the appropriate officer at County Hall to the state of the road in Banks Street after the storms of a couple of weeks ago.

The run-off from the street, coupled with the incomplete drainage on the new buildings, has caused significant damage to the road surface on the corner of Banks Street and Banks Road, adjacent to the entrance to the Bull car park.

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The water flow has erupted several large potholes on the road, with large pieces of the repair having broken away, leaving significant damage and debris.

This constitutes a hazard, not only to vehicles but to pedestrians who use the road, particularly at night.

With the amount of construction traffic using the road, as well as general traffic, I feel the damage needs urgent attention.

Alan J Lockwood



Viable routes are going fast

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