​Boom in use of baby bank

Rotarians presented money and goods to Eve Bennett for the Market Rasen Baby BankRotarians presented money and goods to Eve Bennett for the Market Rasen Baby Bank
Rotarians presented money and goods to Eve Bennett for the Market Rasen Baby Bank
A group supporting new parents as they face the spiralling costs of day to day life has seen a 500 per cent increase in usage since it began just over a year ago.

Eve Bennett started Market Rasen Baby Bank as she was seeing first hand the struggles families with young children are facing. The baby bank found a home at the town's Football and Cricket Club, where Eve started the Market Rasen Stay and Weigh Group at the same time, and she says the service has never been needed more than it is now.

She said: “Child poverty is on the increase and something needs to be done. An average day will see, maybe, 20 parcels go out following requests from families. This can be a packet of nappies to help someone who is ‘a bit short’ that week, or a parcel full of everything a young baby would need for that week.”

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The baby bank receives no official funding and relies entirely on the kindness of people, for which Eve is very grateful.

She added: “Some people just hand me some cash when they see me, while others arrive laden down with goods. Around 80 per cent of those making use of the baby bank donate back as and when they are able, which is amazing.”

One of the local groups to show their support is Market Rasen Rotary, who presented Eve with around £100 of baby items, together with a cash donation of £100 to purchase formula milk.

Rotary president Malcolm Stimpson said: “We were pleased to be able to help in this way. This is just the sort of thing Rotary is here to support within our local community.

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"The cost of living crisis is continuing and families are feeling the pressure, even more so now the long summer holidays are underway. The baby bank, with Eve at the helm, is providing a fantastic service to those who need extra support, and this support is something that is clearly needed – and will continue to be needed.”

Contact for the baby bank can be made through their dedicated Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550559925861

Eve said: “It is a bittersweet feeling of how a meeting with a small group of local families has now grown to being an outreach to nearly 50 families in Market Rasen and surrounding areas. Every day, there are families you probably pass and would never imagine the struggles they are going through. Please make contact if you need help or if you are able to make a donation.”

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