Residents and staff of Syne Hills Residential Home in the pink in memory of staff member who died of cancer.Residents and staff of Syne Hills Residential Home in the pink in memory of staff member who died of cancer.
Residents and staff of Syne Hills Residential Home in the pink in memory of staff member who died of cancer.

Care home goes pink to raise funds in memory of staff member who died of cancer

More than £200 was raised when a care home in Skegness turned pink to remember a friend and work colleague who had died of cancer.

Staff and residents of Syne Hills Residential Home came together to remember Deborah Jackman and raise funds for the Breast Cancer Research Trust

Care home coordinator Cheryl Curtis said: “This event hit all our hearts as we remembered Deborah Jackman – a dear friend, work colleague and member of staff who, unfortunately, lost her battle to breast cancer one year ago.

"This news devastated us all and even while she battled with cancer we stood by her side and showed our support for the Breast Cancer Research Trust.

"This year, as usual, we wanted to not just celebrate her life but to carry on raising funds to this great research in her name.

"Both staff and residents all wore pink, made cakes and took part in raffles and tombolas.

"Staff came in on their days off to participate and others spent their time at home baking cakes for the event in their own time.

"Without all of this we would not have been able to pull off this day.

"Even a storm couldn’t stop families and friends coming to support us.

"Thankfully, we were able to raise over £200 for this great cause in the name of Deborah Jackman.”

Syne Hills Residential Home is situated in Syne Avenue, Skegness. Since opening in 1987 it has been dedicated to enriching the lives of those who now require support and comfort as their lives change due to old age. Their motto is “An Active mind, is a happy heart”.

"This news devastated us all and even while she battled with cancer we stood by her side and showed our support for the Breast Cancer Research Trust.