Mayor of Skegness Coun Pete Barry (centre) is armed and ready at the Civil War event at The Village Church Farm museum in SkegnessMayor of Skegness Coun Pete Barry (centre) is armed and ready at the Civil War event at The Village Church Farm museum in Skegness
Mayor of Skegness Coun Pete Barry (centre) is armed and ready at the Civil War event at The Village Church Farm museum in Skegness

GALLERY: New Mayor gets in on the action at Skegness museum's Bank Holiday Civil War event

The new Mayor of Skegness was armed and ready for anything at the weekend when he dropped in at a Bank Holiday Civil War re-enactment event.

Coun Pete Barry joined Colonel Robert Overtons Regiment of Foote of the English Civil War Society at The Village Church Farm Museum yesterday (Sunday) to explore a thrilling display of living history

An encampment of the New Model Army in 1644 has been set up at the museum in Church Road South – and continues today (Bank Holiday Monday).

Authentic trades and crafts of the 1600s are on display, including a gruesome Barber Surgeon, a hard working Blacksmith, a healing herbalist and a Fifth Monarchist preacher. There will also be an exciting military drill that will include spectacular musket firing and towering pikes.

Alongside the fun for grown ups, there is plenty for the children, such as children's military drill and a treasure hunt.

Group Spokesman Tom Carson said: “I’m from Lincolnshire, and it’s wonderful to honour the county’s rich history by reliving it in such a fun way, the Village Church Farm Museum is a fantastic venue, and is an ideal setting for our exciting mix of education and fun..”

Any visitors feeling inspired to take part in a historical re-enactment, please approach one of the members on the day. The group can provide all that is needed initially, so no financial outlay is required. Members say it makes for a fantastic social hobby, ideal for families.

Entry fees £5 Adults. £3 Children. £13 Family.

Authentic trades and crafts of the 1600s are on display, including a gruesome Barber Surgeon, a hard working Blacksmith, a healing herbalist and a Fifth Monarchist preacher. There will also be an exciting military drill that will include spectacular musket firing and towering pikes.

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