Proud mum Pixie checking on pup.Proud mum Pixie checking on pup.
Proud mum Pixie checking on pup.

GALLERY: Seal pup born at Skegness Natureland is already a star

A baby seal born at Skegness Natureland is already proving quite an attraction.

The new arrival – a boy – is the sixth pup born to resident 12-year-old rescues Pixie and Ollie.

Natureland announced the happy news on Monday: “After making us wait an extra week this year and keeping the staff on their toes, Pixie finally gave birth to a very big and energetic pup.

"Everyone is keeping a close eye on mum and baby to make sure all is going well.”

Today Lincolnshire World contacted director Matt Yeadon for a pupdate. “He’s not shy and is loving all the attention he’s getting,” he said.

"We think he’s getting enough milk from mum because he’s a big boy, although it is hard to tell for sure.

"Because he’s not a rescue he isn’t being handled by the keepers, which makes him more more wild than some that come into the hospital.

"So all being well he should be ready to be released into the sea after about three months.

"We just have to be sure he’s eating fish and knows what his food is and he’s not relying on milk.”

It was a double celebration on Monday for Ollie, who celebrated his 12th birthday at a party with seafood pizza, fish donuts, fish jelly and ice cream and a birthday cake all prepared by keepers Emily and Jade.

Skegness Natureland can be found on North Parade. In April, the sanctuary reached a milestone in nearly 60 years of existence by releasing its 1,000th seal into the wild. A JustGiving page was launched to help with the cost of caring for the rescued pups here.

"Everyone is keeping a close eye on mum and baby to make sure all is going well.”