Stave and Christine Hedges of Willoughby at Ginby Hall.Stave and Christine Hedges of Willoughby at Ginby Hall.
Stave and Christine Hedges of Willoughby at Ginby Hall.

GALLERY: Steampunks enjoy opportunity to explore Gunby Hall on Heritage Open Day

Steampunks took advantage of the opportunity to meet up in the beautiful and historic setting of Gunby Hall at the weekend as part of the Heritage Open Days.

Every September thousands of volunteers across England organise events to celebrate the nation’s fantastic history and culture.

Skegness and East Coast Steampunks were invited to discover the lively past of the Massingberd family in their former country house home full of character and charm with eight acres worth of gardens, sweeping formal lawns, flower borders, vegetable gardens and wild flower corners to explore.

"It’s a beautiful place just right for Steampunks and lots of lovely spots for steampunk photoshoots,” they explained.

A drop in event to celebrate the history of Tower Gardens and exciting plans to revitalise the Registered Park and Garden through Town Deal was also part of the weekend.

There was also a walking tour of Lumley Road from the train station to Tower Gardens.

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"It’s a beautiful place just right for Steampunks and lots of lovely spots for steampunk photoshoots,” they explained.

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