Plans lodged for solar farm near Gainsborough to power more than 12,000 homes

More than 12,000 homes could be powered using solar panelsMore than 12,000 homes could be powered using solar panels
More than 12,000 homes could be powered using solar panels | Other 3rd Party
Plans have been lodged for a new solar farm and battery storage facility near Gainsborough which could generate enough electricity to power more than 12,000 homes.

Elgin Energy Esco Ltd, supported by Arcus Consultancy Services, has submitted an application to Bassetlaw District Council for development at Wood Lane, near Sturton-Le-Steeple.

Planning permission is sought for the construction of a solar farm on the site, together with associated equipment and infrastructure.

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The solar farm would have a capacity of 49.9 megawatts (MW), enough electricity to power about 12,200 homes per year.

A planning statement submitted as part of the application said: “The development has been set back from perimeter boundaries and public rights of way to minimise visual effects.

“The development will have a construction period of between 12 to 16 weeks and an operational period of 30 years.

“While a small amount of land will be taken out of crop production for the operational period of the development, sheep grazing would be introduced in and around solar panels so there would not be a complete loss of agricultural land.

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“The development would cover a total area of approximately 94.7 hectares.

“And access to the development would utilise the existing Wood Lane, directly off Wheatley Road.”

Comments received at a public consultation included: “I think there are better, more useful places to site solar panels, not on productive farm land” and “it will be a huge blot in the landscape on a popular walking route.”

Results of the consultation showed that 76.9 per cent were concerned about the effects of climate change, 61.5 per cent were supportive of solar energy to combat climate change.

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And 41.7 per cent were supportive of the Wood Lane Solar Farm project, 25 per cent were undecided, and 33.3 per cent were very opposed.

Some of the main concerns raised by residents related to visual impact, impact on public rights of way, loss of agricultural land and drainage/run off.