Plans could boost childcare provision in the Wragby area

Rand Farm Park has submitted an application to build a 90-space nursery.Rand Farm Park has submitted an application to build a 90-space nursery.
Rand Farm Park has submitted an application to build a 90-space nursery.
Childcare provision could be boosted in the Wragby area if plans for a nursery at Rand Farm Park are approved.

Documents on the WLDC website reveal the applicant, Richard Waring, is applying for a change of use of an existing farmhouse to a 90-space nursery.

Plans also include an outdoor play space at the site, and associated infrastructure and landscaping.

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Supporting documentation states: “The proposed development would build on the existing education provision at Rand, and would introduce the childcare nursery into the existing two-storey farmhouse at the site.

“This farmhouse is now very inappropriately located in the heart of the farm attraction, so is not ideal for residential use.

“It has been decided that it is more appropriate to use this building for purposes associated with the Farm Park, and it lends itself particularly well to the nursery proposal.

“The nursery would be arranged to include a classrooms for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.”

Wragby Primary School supports the plans.

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In a letter, the school said: “The idea of a farm-based nursery that would have free-flowing access to the outdoors is incredibly appealing for our rural community, and would be highly beneficial to young children.”

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