Spilsby mum raises £1,500 towards taking Lincolnshire County Council to court
Dominique Pettitt needs £25,000 to pay for a London-based solicitor who specialises in special education need cases.
Her son, Sebastien, has the chromosome disorder Phelan McDermid Syndrome and cannot speak, self-harms, has problems walking and is doubly incontinent.
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Hide AdIn her appeal on the gofundme website she says: “Sebastien can’t speak. He gets only four hours speech therapy a year. He can’t stand up straight.
“The NHS have refused to treat him. We can, They won’t. He can’t cope at a normal special school. He can’t cope in school holidays.
“He self-harms and regresses. He needs to go to a therapy school, every day, 52 weeks of the year.
“The local authority don’t want to pay We have to raise £25,000.00 to pay a solicitor to fight them. Please help us help Sebastien.
“Don’t let him live in silence and pain.”
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Hide AdMrs Pettitt says: “We now have just over £1,500 in the gofundme account and are so pleased with this, as you can imagine.
“But there is still a long way to go so any support would be wonderful.”
The following local business have now kindly got behind the campaign and have accepted donation buckets on their premises. They are: Will Ellerby Tyres, Barley Feeds, Pips Parlour, Ambridge Fish and Chips, The Cornhill Cafe and Woldsway Meat.
To support the gofundme campaign, visit https://www.gofundme.com/sebastien-2wf5bnp2Read more at: