New secretary sought for Workforce Unlimited Boston and District Saturday Football League

The Boston League is searching for a new secretary. Photo: Daren ChaseThe Boston League is searching for a new secretary. Photo: Daren Chase
The Boston League is searching for a new secretary. Photo: Daren Chase
Do you fancy role?

The Workforce Unlimited Boston & District Saturday Football League is looking for a new secretary.

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The role will suit someone with good administrative skills.

Whilst a background in football is not necessary, it is essential that interested persons must be computer literate.

The role of league secretary is paid a honorarium.

The Workforce Unlimited Boston & District Saturday Football League is the largest male open-age Saturday League in Lincolnshire, including teams from many county towns.

Interested persons should contact the league chairman, Roger Gell on 01205 723381 or via email at [email protected] for further information before July 7.