Start planning now for a healthier new year

From buying every new weight-loss gadget on the market to overdosing on diet pills, I have tried every fad going in an effort to ‘fix’ my body.
Sophie Mei Lan.Sophie Mei Lan.
Sophie Mei Lan.

But whilst all these gizmos and trends may give us a quick high when we purchase them or help us lose (water) weight overnight… Often what we’re left with is an empty purse and longer-term health issues or at best, we’re back to where we started, except we lack even more motivation to address our desire to feel strong and healthy in mind and body.

Whilst it’s great to see so many people contemplate and prepare for a New Year, New Healthier Me during these Winter months, it’s important you ‘prepare to fail,’ in the sense that New Year is a great boost to take action, but we also need to make sure our motivation to eat, sleep, exercise and live well lasts us all year around and we avoid relapsing as much as possible.

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For me, it starts with the key to exercise motivation as this will boost your feel-good hormones, which is to find workouts, groups, classes, venues and movement that you can access and enjoy from yoga to dance, from weight training to kettlebells and running.

Anything is better than nothing, so now is a good time to start trialling online classes, groups, or venues and personal trainers to work with. Then jot down a plan of your health and fitness goals (include nutrition, fitness, sleep and mental wellbeing).

Break each goal down into segments of short-term (one week - one month), medium-term (one to six months) and long-term goals (six months plus) utilising the S.M.A.R.T goal-setting method of making each goal Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

Rather than focus on the destination or outcome goals such as to lose weight or to run a marathon, try to break these down into process goals, which is the journey, such as to run 45 minutes a day.

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The next step is to focus on motivation all year-round as consistency is key to making significant changes to our overall health and wellbeing, not just for January.

If possible, find a reliable relative, friend or colleague who is wanting to also stay focused on taking action, adopting similar lifestyle changes and hitting goals to keep each other accountable each week.

Exercising together or living healthier in tandem can boost relationships as well as add a competitive edge which is great motivation. You may also want to hire a personal trainer or join a group which can help you plan, adapt and implement necessary changes.

Another big factor in motivation is variation when it comes to nutrition and exercise.

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This helps you to continue discovering food you enjoy and varying workouts to keep your interest and to build on your results.

Finally, make sure you build in incentives and rewards for following through with your plan, at least once a month, think of something positive you can do for yourself and build this in, as much as you shouldn’t miss a rep, you shouldn’t neglect rewarding yourself as this is key to feeling good in mind, body and in life.

I know that there was no quick fix to my own mind and body transformation but all these rituals equal results and actually my lifestyle now is more sustainable, and my health is my greatest wealth.


Bodyweight workout: tricep dips, reverse lunges, kneeling push ups, single leg hip bridges, mountain climbers, Russian twist.

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Perform each exercise for 30 seconds , rest 60 seconds at the end of the arch circuit and repeat 3 rounds.

Resistance band workout: banded squats, banded shoulder press, banded stiff leg deadlift, banded push ups, banded bentover row, banded Tricep kick back, banded bicep curls, banded pull apart, banded reverse crunches.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds , rest 60 seconds at the end of the arch circuit and repeat 2 rounds.

Read more from Sophie on and follow her on social media @mamameiblog