Sheffield show for Small M People star

Heather Small has announced a 2018 tour.Heather Small has announced a 2018 tour.
Heather Small has announced a 2018 tour.
The face '“ and voice '“ of Nineties dance act M People is preparing for a solo tour

As part of M People – crowned best British dance act at the Brits in 1994 and 1995 – Heather Small enjoyed success with songs such as Moving On Up, One Night In Heaven and Search For The Hero.

As a solo artist, she has seen the title track of her Proud become the soundtrack to a host of special events including London’s successful 2012 Olympic bid and the 60th anniversary of VE Day in Trafalgar Square.

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And when chat show queen Oprah Winfrey was looking for a song to sum up her career, it was Heather she turned to.

“If Oprah calls, you go,” laughs Heather, who says Oprah was “very sweet to me”.

Well known for her charitable work, Heather was recently made an ambassador for the children’s charity Barnardo’s and is continually involved with fundraising and helping lend her valuable support to projects around the country.

So what gives Heather the impetus to keep moving forward?

“If you got the feeling I do when I sing,” she smiles, “you’d understand.”

Heather Small plays Sheffield University’s The Foundry on Saturday, April 21, 2018. Tickets, priced from £28.50, are now on sale from