L-R Sean South, Tom Lane with the haggis, and Rick Alliwell, of the Higgledy Piggledy Band.L-R Sean South, Tom Lane with the haggis, and Rick Alliwell, of the Higgledy Piggledy Band.
L-R Sean South, Tom Lane with the haggis, and Rick Alliwell, of the Higgledy Piggledy Band.

Traditional Burns Night celebrated at Ewerby

Ewerby Reading Rooms held their annual and very popular Burns Night Ceilidh on Saturday, February 3.

A haggis supper kicked off at 6.30pm complete with Burns recital and addressing the haggis.

It was followed by dancing to the Higgledy Piggledy Ceilidh Band.

There were also vegetarian options available!

There were also vegetarian options available!