The show has become an annual highlight for the town’s Wonder Circus, with owner Carolyn Roberts allowing the use of her Big Top for the evening.
Gary Starr, director of the Neverland Theatre, stepped in once again to return to the Big Top as ringmaster and helped organise the show.
Wonder Circus performers, including Olivia performing ballet on horseback and Pippa on aerial trapeze, were joined by some of the best variety acts of the area.
A charity auction in aid of the Prostate Cancer charity and Shine was held in the second half, organised by Martin Brown of Visit the Seaside.
Carolyn Roberts said she was delighted with the night. “The town really came together to create a great night.
"The show was a sell-out and we couldn’t be happier about how it went.
"My highlight was seeing my dad, John Roberts, come out of retirment with his friend Peter Sandow with their comedy car wash routine.
"Dad is 80 and Peter is 79 and it was a very nostalgic moment for the family.”
The Mayor and Mayoress of Skegness Couns Adrian Findley and Sarah Staples were amongst the special guests.
Coun Findley said: “A huge thank you to the Wonder Circus and Gary Starr of the Netherland Theatre for the invitation to the most amazing evening of entertainment.
“The big night out had a full house sell out, with so much talent giving us a none stop evening of excitement.”
This year Gary Starr is donating the proceeds from one of his Alice in Wonderland shows to the final total, which will be announced at a later date.
In the meantime, as well as performances under the Big Top on Burgh Road for the summer summer season. you can see the Wonder Circus in the Skegness Carnival procession on Sunday.
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