What’s on: July 24 - August 4, 2019

What's OnWhat's On
What's On
• To have your event listed, email the details to [email protected]

Wednesday, July 24

Exhibition: Dale Mackie - Blades on Land and Sea at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre. Runs to July 30.

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Weekly: Coffee morning at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre, 10am - noon. Proceeds to Noah’s Ark group.

Exhibition: Heroines of the Homefront at Market Rasen Old Police Station, 10am - 1pm. Open weekdays except Thursday 10am - 3pm.

Weekly: Tweenie Learning Together (crawling - walking) at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 9.30am - 10.30am. Details: 01673 844703 or [email protected]

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Coffee and chat at Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 10am - 11.30am.

Weekly: Movers and Shakers (0-5 years) at Caistor Town Hall, 10am - 11am. Details: 01673 844703 or [email protected]

Health walk, 10.30am - 11.30am. Start at Caistor Church. Details: 07778 622925.

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10.30am - 11.30am Himalayan Traditional Yoga in Middle Rasen Village Hall.

Charity knitting group at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - noon.

10.45am walking football at Caistor Sports and Social Club. Cost £2.

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Coding Club at Market Rasen Library, 11am - 12.30pm. Free, but places limited. Booking essential.

Weekly: Toddler Learning Together (confident walkers+) at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 11am - noon. Details as above.

Craft and Chat in Howsham Village Hall, 1.30pm - 3.30pm.

Weekly: Little Explorers at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Details: as above.

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Space exploration: build a Lego Mars rover and make your own spaceship at Market Rasen Library, 2pm - 3.30pm. Free event as part of the Summer Reading Challenge. Call in to book a place.

CAMEO (come and meet each other) friendship group at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre, 2pm - 3pm. Cost 50p.

Weekly: Informal short tennis at Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 6pm - 7pm.

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Walking football at Newtoft Community Centre, 7.30pm - 8.30pm. Over 16s only.

Thursday, July 25

Noah’s Ark Toddler group, 9.30am - 11am at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre.

Weekly: Baby Learning Together (birth - crawling) at Caistor Town Hall, 10am - 11am. Details: 01673 844703 or [email protected]

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Gentle yoga in Market Rasen Festival Hall, 11am - 12.15pm. Details: 07402 261487.

Weekly: Breaststart at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 11am - 12.30pm. Details as above.

Fellowship Lunch at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre, 12.30pm.

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Weekly: Baby Learning Together (birth - crawling) at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Details: as above.

Weekly: Indoor bowls at Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 2pm - 4pm.

Latin-in-line dancing in the Festival Hall, 2pm - 3pm. Book in advance with [email protected] or 07958 052997.

Short mat bowls in Binbrook Village Hall, 2pm - 4.30pm.

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Ballroom dancing in the Festival Hall. Beginners 6pm - 7pm and improvers 7pm - 8.30pm. Book in advance with [email protected] or 07958 052997.

Weekly: Pilates at Toft Newton Village Hall, 7pm. Details: 01673 885356.

Friday, July 26

Minnie’s Market in the Salvation Army Hall, Market Rasen 9am - 1pm.

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Weekly: Learning through play at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 9.30am - 10.30am. Details: 01673 844703 or [email protected]

Market Rasen Mail drop-in at Rasen Hub, 10am - 1pm. Note new venue: the Old Police Station, Dear Street, Market Rasen.

Toy library at Nettleton Village Hall, 10am - 11.30am.

Adult Creator Space at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - 2pm. Drop in for a moment of calm with colouring, origami and puzzles.

Coffee morning at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - noon.

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Jigsaw club and swap at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - 2pm.

Lego Club at Market Rasen Library, 3.30pm - 6pm. Free to join.

Children’s football at Newtoft Community Centre, 6pm - 7pm.

Bingo in the Festival Hall, Market Rasen. Doors open 7pm. Details: 07810 256242.

Saturday, July 27

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9am Parkrun at Market Rasen Racecourse. Details: www.parkrun.org.uk/marketrasenracecourse

Heroines of the Homefront Exhibition at Market Rasen Old Police Station, 10am - 1pm.

Craft club at Market Rasen Library, 11am - noon.

Literary Festival at Baumber Walled Garden, 10.30am - 3.30pm. Free admission.

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Wedding dress exhibition at All Saints church, Cadney (near Brigg), 11am - 4pm.

Dungeons and Dragons at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre, noon - 3pm.

Middle Rasen & District 77th Horticultural Society Annual Show in Middle Rasen Village Hall, 1.30pm.

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Caistor cinema: Mary Poppins. Doors open 3pm, screening 4pm. Tickets £4 from Caistor Post Office or caistorcommunitycinema.org

Sunday, July 28

Caistor Cycle Club at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre. Set off 10am. Start point varies. See Caistor Cycle Club Facebook for details.

Stourton Estates, Baumber open day, 10am - 4pm.

Literary Festival at Baumber Walled Garden, 10.30am - 3.30pm. Free admission.

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Wedding dress exhibition at All Saints church, Cadney (near Brigg), 11am - 4pm.

Monday, July 29

Coffee Morning at Market Rasen Methodist Church, 9.15am - 11.15am.

Rhyme Time at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 10am - 10.45am. Details: 01673 844703 or [email protected]

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Caistor Cares coffee morning at Drakes Court, 10am - 11am. Friendship and companionship for the over 60s. Free.

Learning through play at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Details as above.

Tai Chi at Tealby Tennis and Bowls club, 2pm - 3pm. Details: 01652 628286.

Tuesday, July 30

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Bright Sparks Activity Group for under fives and their carers in All Saints Church, Wragby, 8.45am - 10am. Cost 50p per family.

Zumba at Market Rasen Festival Hall, 10am - 11am. Details: 01472 852083.

Tai Chi at Grasby Village Hall, 10am - 11am. Details: 01652 628286.

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Free computer and IT support at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre, 10am - 11am and 2pm - 3pm. Booking essential: 01472 851605.

Learning through play at Caistor Town Hall, 10am - 11am. Details: 01673 844703.

Himalayan Traditional Yoga in Osgodby Village Hall, 10.30am - noon

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Adult Creator Space at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - 2pm. Drop in for a moment of calm with colouring, origami and puzzles.

Jigsaw club and swap at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - 2pm.

Bumps to Babies at Market Rasen Children’s Centre, 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Details: 01673 844703 or [email protected]

Bowls at Market Rasen Methodist Church, 2pm - 4pm.

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Storytime for the under 5s at Market Rasen Library, 2.15pm - 2.45pm.

Zumba at Market Rasen Methodist Church, 6pm - 7pm.

Yoga in Market Rasen Festival Hall, 6.15pm - 7.30pm. All levels. Details: 07402 261487.

Caistor Women’s Choir in Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre, 7pm - 8.30pm. Details: 07843 755002.

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Clubbercise at the Festival Hall, Market Rasen, 7.15pm - 8.15pm.

Wednesday, July 31

Coffee and chat at Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 10am - 11.30am.

Health walk, 10.30am - 11.30am. Start at Caistor Church.

10.30am - 11.30am Himalayan Traditional Yoga in Middle Rasen Village Hall.

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Charity knitting group at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - noon.

10.45am walking football at Caistor Sports and Social Club. Cost £2.

Coding Club at Market Rasen Library, 11am - 12.30pm. Free, but places limited. Booking essential.

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New Age Kurling at Market Rasen Methodist Church, 1.15pm - 2.15pm.

Craft and Chat in Howsham Village Hall, 1.30pm - 3.30pm.

CAMEO (come and meet each other) friendship group at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre, 2pm - 3pm. Cost 50p.

Alien invasion: formulate extra terrestrial bath bombs and invent an alien at Market Rasen Library, 2pm - 3.30pm. Free event as part of the Summer Reading Challenge. Call in to book a place.

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Walking football at Newtoft Community Centre, 7.30pm - 8.30pm. Over 16s only.

Thursday, August 1

Noah’s Ark Toddler group, 9.30am - 11am at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre.

Coffee, cake and chat in Middle Rasen Methodist Church, 10am.

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Free coffee morning for senior shoppers in Tesco community room, Market Rasen, 10.30am - 11.30am.

Fellowship Lunch at Market Rasen Salvation Army Centre, 12.30pm.

Short mat bowls in Binbrook Village Hall, 2pm - 4.30pm.

Rase Heritage Society in Market Rasen Library, 7.30pm. Ann Lillywhite - Local methodist Chapels. Non-members £3. Details: 01673 843108 or www.raseheritage.org.uk

Friday, August 2

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Minnie’s Market in the Salvation Army Hall, Market Rasen 9am - 1pm.

Market Rasen Mail drop-in at Rasen Hub, 10am - 1pm. Note new venue: the Old Police Station, Dear Street, Market Rasen.

Toy library at Nettleton Village Hall, 10am - 11.30am.

Adult Creator Space at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - 2pm. Drop in for a moment of calm with colouring, origami and puzzles.

Coffee morning at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - noon.

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Jigsaw club and swap at Market Rasen Library, 10.30am - 2pm.

Lego Club at Market Rasen Library, 3.30pm - 6pm. Free to join.

Children’s football at Newtoft Community Centre, 6pm - 7pm.

Live music: The Dan Webster Band at Kirton Lindsey Town Hall. Tickets £12.50 from 01652 649230, [email protected] or www.wegottickets.com

Saturday, August 3

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9am Parkrun at Market Rasen Racecourse. Details: www.parkrun.org.uk/marketrasenracecourse

Coffee morning at South Kelsey Village Hall, 10am - noon.

Binbrook Church Open Day for 150th anniversary celebrations, 10am - 4pm.

Craft club at Market Rasen Library, 11am - noon.

Coffee morning at West Rasen Heritage Centre, 10am.

Sausage and Cider Festival at The Black Horse Inn, Donington on Bain.

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Dungeons and Dragons at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre, noon - 3pm.

Live music: free concert by Da Capo in Binbrook Church, 5.30pm (lasts around 45 minutes).

Sunday, August 4

Caistor Cycle Club at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre. Set off 10am. Start point varies. See Caistor Cycle Club Facebook for details.