Young Farmers at Rally

The team at Uncle Henry's EMN-160420-085944001The team at Uncle Henry's EMN-160420-085944001
The team at Uncle Henry's EMN-160420-085944001
Uncle Henry's at Grayingham is host to this year's Lincolnshire YFC County Rally on Saturday.

Every club across the county will be at the event, all with the same goal - to be Rally Champions.

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YFC members have been selling raffle tickets and taking part in competitions in the run up to this event, which is sponsored by Peacock & Binnington.

The rally day its self will consist of a number of classes - tractor driving, cookery, fancy dress etc - where members will play for points to see who will be crowned champions.

There will also be trade stands, a bouncy castle, play area and a hog roast.

Everyone is welcome to watch the event, with a £1 contribution requested, which will help support the young farmer’s community.